
* Write 1k Words

* Continue Battle conclusion scene

  • Listened to Tron soundtrack by Daft Punk to get into the zone.
  • Bit of a slow start today, but got it done.

Next Steps

  • Continue reaction sequel to battle scene.


* Write 500 words (Wrote 839)

* Organize End of battle scene

  • Amanda left to go for an outing, kids are asleep. Writing feels fun right now. Wouldn’t write today if it didn’t (sabbath), and wouldn’t write if she was home (mothers day).
  • Exciting to be working on death/rebirth scene (midpoint), this kind of conflict is always bigger and much more fun to write. ‘This kind of conflict’ meaning conflict in which you have large and much much more noticeable shifts in perspective for the key character. A bit difficult to sustain a cohesive and believable build up to such points as the midpoint and climax. I do wonder if this point may overshadow the climax or possibly that other points may overshadow these, but I will never know until I get some beta readers. Excited for that phase.
  • Probably overwrote. Not too worried about it. I am writing an ‘epic’. Of course I’m writing it here so I must a least be a little worried about it. Possibly worried about cutting things in the edit. But then again I don’t have any aesthetic scenes, everything is purely functional, at least with my current structure. It’s a given then why I have the fear of cutting what is necessary. I think the bigger more real fear is that I am not being as effective or efficient with how said points flow. In other words, there could be a better way to get across the information in a more succinct way. Doing my best to not limit my thinking in this stage though. Would rather process the thoughts here in this log than be a slave to them in my manuscript.

Next Steps

  • Rylen runs to the REDACTED to see REDACTED.
  • There are heavy thoughts during the run.
  • Continue with existing outline.


* Write 1K Words

– 117,296 Words
– 1 hour session

* Finish REDACTED Battle

  • Playing Spotify cinematic playlist to help bring about intensity in my thoughts.
  • Writing intense scene, filled with anger. Noticing a lot of it build up inside me. Honestly need to hit something right now to release it, but Im going to use it instead.

Next Steps

  • Rylen has a bit of a panic attack.
  • When he comes to he hears REDACTED
  • His heart sinks for REDACTED
  • Goes back into the greenroom


* Write 2k words

Next Steps

  • Drift reaches up, but REDACTED
  • Rylen and Kyra fight REDACTED
  • Kyra gets REDACTED
  • Guardian REDACTED
  • Arena change is classic arena with an empty center for Rylen and REDACTED


* Write 1.5k Words

Next Steps

  • Begin with the battle, Rylen can’t keep them in REDACTED
  • How does he defeat the other team. He needs to REDACTED, and another with get REDACTED by the arena.


* Finish scene with Rylen and his new spell

* Write 1k words.

Next Steps

  • Rylen doesn’t have much luck but just a couple clues like warm ground, anger starting to swell but he is too fearful and contains it.
  • Map out beats of REDACTED
  • Then he gets angry at REDACTED it with ease in battle.


  • Finish Writing the REDACTED scene
  • Write 2k words

Next Steps

  • Rylen annoyed REDACTED is empty
  • Finds its not and REDACTED
    • Rylen wakes up from a REDACTED
  • He follows it to the REDACTED
  • Reveals the same REDACTED
  • He goes outside to REDACTED, against his judgement (staying away, getting tired)
  • Battle comes, he REDACTED
  • The REDACTED saves him from REDACTED because he’s REDACTED.


Set Up Next Major Scene Beats
Write 2000 Words
– Should they prep in some type of locker room and come to the match in regular clothes? Why do they prep at home and travel in battle gear?
– Wrote the REDACTED. Added X-Spells and how a torch works.

Next Steps

  • Finish REDACTED
  • Work on Defining main beats for next scene (learning spell)
  • Map out battle with REDACTED in more detailed structure.